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RE: Audi/Porsche, SUVs, .....

>  PEOPLE BUY THEM. Every year about a million people
> are replacing their cars with SUVs. In the process, the car companies
> are
> making loads of money. 
That's because it's suppose to be the cool thing to have. Just like
those tight *ss yuppies that bought Bimmers in the 80's. Imagine owning
an M5 and living in downtown Manhattan.(what a waste!)

> In the mean time, we have to contend with increasing
> numbers of  5' 2", 105lb people driving 5000 lb. vehicles @ ~68 mph
> with
> virtually no idea of what is going on around them. A month does not go
> by
> that I don't encounter one of these characters enter the high way,
> move
> three lanes to the fast lane and almost brush my front end. After the
> driver
> eventually sees me he/she gives me a finger as if I was tail gating.
> Mean
> while, I am trying not to get run over by another idiot driving
> another
> monster truck behind me. At least I try to get the set of bumpers out
> of my
> rear wind shield !!! May be my problem is that I am much too much
> aware of
> the laws of physics. Mass kills and some (may be most) drivers have no
> idea
> that stopping a 5,000 lb. monster takes some skill and awareness.
	I could not have put this any better. What you just described
goes on everyday! It drives me crazy. But all and all, it still tells me
that the majority of people out there are sheep. Who the hell needs an
SUV in a concrete jungle? it is the marketers of these things that are
laughing all the way to the bank calling the public SUCKERS! Why not
sell me a snowmobile while I reside in Florida. I am willing to bet that
more than 80% of the people that buy these things never venture anywhere
outside the city, let alone drive on less than ideal terrain. Do they
ever have something on tow? NO! do they ever venture off road? NO! Do
they drive oblivious to everything & everyone around them? YES!  Nuff