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Re: Audi/Porsche, SUVs, .....

I do not understand the SUV bashing.  My wife drives a Suburban and loves
it.  We use it to tow our 20' boat, go camping with lots of crap,  take our
family of four plus friends skiing, etcetra.  As much as I love my Audi, I
also love to drive the Suburban, and it does chores the Audi could never do.
The problem that I see is that there are some of you that are lucky enough
not to need an SUV, and some of you encounter crappy drivers that are in
SUV's.  The amazing thing is that people rarely cut in front of my 200
quattro, but every time I drive the Suburban, people cut in front of it with
less than a car length between us!   If you really love cars, love all for
what they do.  My ideal list of cars to own would be an Audi S-8, a
Suburban, a Chevy truck, a Mini-Cooper, a 911 Porsche, a 1969 GTO and a 1963
Ferrari Berlinetta Lusso.  Life would be bitchin'!!!!!

Dave Puterbaugh
1991 200q sedan, IA III, euro lights, and 17" BBS rims
1996 Suburban
1974 914 (for my daughter)
maybe a 911, or a supercharged Mustang Cobra for my raging mid-life crisis
in the very near future
-----Original Message-----
From: Amirkalali, Mohamad A (Mohamad) <mamirkalali@lucent.com>
To: 'Quatrro List' <quattro@coimbra.ans.net>; 'WDouglas@fmarathon.com'
Date: Friday, August 07, 1998 1:08 PM
Subject: RE: Audi/Porsche, SUVs, .....

>Well, I don't like SUVs either. But, I can understand why everybody and his
>brother is making them. PEOPLE BUY THEM. Every year about a million people
>are replacing their cars with SUVs. In the process, the car companies are
>making loads of money. As an example, the margin on a suburban is ~$11,000.

>How does ~90 Cavaliers grab you? As long as folks buy them, they will make
>them. It's that simple. In the mean time, we have to contend with
>numbers of  5' 2", 105lb people driving 5000 lb. vehicles @ ~68 mph with
>virtually no idea of what is going on around them. A month does not go by
>that I don't encounter one of these characters enter the high way, move
>three lanes to the fast lane and almost brush my front end. After the
>eventually sees me he/she gives me a finger as if I was tail gating. Mean
>while, I am trying not to get run over by another idiot driving another
>monster truck behind me. At least I try to get the set of bumpers out of my
>rear wind shield !!! May be my problem is that I am much too much aware of
>the laws of physics. Mass kills and some (may be most) drivers have no idea
>that stopping a 5,000 lb. monster takes some skill and awareness.