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Re: Audi Turbo Diesel has K-24!?!?

	Well, to bad its not the other option. I would order that one.
Ummm, what would a 20v Turbo do with 2.5 - 3.0 bar, Modified
turbo/intercooler and other necessarry mods AND an NOS system.  Nmmm, a
500 hp 20v Turbo.  That would be fun.  Lets go Hunting. Hell, lets go the
Drag strip and challenge some Hemmi Cuda's and Chevelle 454's.  Maybe even
a SuperBee or GTO Judge.  He HE.  L8R

	Todd Phenneger   aka: Zarati
	1984 4000s quattro / K&N Filter / Battery in Trunk
	2.5" Borla SS Exhaust  / 15" Wheels & RE-71s / Boge TG
		Turbo Conversion in Stage One. "Building Motor"
	1987 4000cs quattro / Saphire Metallic Blue/ Girlfriend's
	1996 A6q / Volcano / Dads Car
	1985 5kt / Donor car for Turbo Conversion

On Fri, 7 Aug 1998 Autobahn01@aol.com wrote:

> In a message dated 98-08-07 06:47:16 EDT, phen9461@uidaho.edu writes:
> << WHat,
>  	AN NOS unit from Audi.  I must be reading this wrong.  When I see
>  NOS I see Nitrous Oxide.  What else could this stand for.  And if I am
>  right, AUDI sold a kit.  I must be wrong.  Anyhow, thanks for the reply. >>
> He, he, nitrous from the factory? Sorry, classic car term for New Old Stock.
> Something new in-the-box that's a factory part, never been installed.
> Cheers,
> Chris Semple
> Autobahn01@aol.com