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Re: WARNING: A4 headlights are crazy

>I would urge the A4 owners out there to check their lenses
>and report back if this is endemic.  Dealership calls are
>probably in order for those with the problem.

Call AoA, not the dealer.  The dealers may not pass the problem reports
on(or at least not very quickly); if AoA suddenly starts getting calls from
around the country, they'll wake up _real_ quick and may start working on
replacements etc.  Or even better yet, do both :)

Funny that this wouldn't have come out in testing the car.  Maybe it's just
so small that no one honestly noticed.


Brett Dikeman
Hostes alienigeni me abduxerunt.  Qui annus est?
Te audire non possum.  Musa sapientum fixa est in aure.
Ita, scio hunc 'sig file' veterem fieri.