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Re: Guru needed <no Audi info>

Hey Bob,
If you click and hold the left mouse button anywhere on taskbar that is not
an open program, you can drag it to any side of your screen.  So if you
what it on the bottom, drag it to the bottom.  

At 10:35 PM 8/9/98 -0400, you wrote:
>Caution:  Audi content totally absent.
>I need a Windoze95 guru before my better half gets mad at me again.  I have
>no idea how it happened but the taskbar on my Win95 screen now resides at
>the top of the screen rather than at the bottom.  I did a reboot and then
>attempted to make use of Win95's multitasking abilities by double clicking
>on two separate icons to load two separate programs.  The next thing I know
>the taskbar is been relocated.
>How do I get it back down at the bottom of the screen where my wife will be
>looking for it?
>A reboot doesn't do it.
>Clueless in West Virginia,
>   Bob
>*  Robert L. Myers  rmyers@inetone.net    Home 304-574-2372/1166  *
>*  Rt. 4, Box 57,  Fayetteville, WV 25840 USA      WV tag Q SHIP  *
>*  '95 S6  Cashmere Grey                                          *