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Re: Sanity check

On Mon, 10 Aug 1998, Michael Williams wrote:

> Phil Payne decided to speak these words:
> >It doesn't.  He knows the light will go on, and doesn't seem to care.
> >When the alarm went off, I leapt out of bed and got to the window
> >within ten seconds.  He was gone, but the floodlight was illuminating
> >his workplace.

Ahh... time to put a nice clean loudspeaker and tape player in the garage
-- trip the lights and the tape plays.

On tape: about 30 seconds of silence, then a few LOUD shotgun shots... may
want to preface it with a "Hey you stupid git...get away from the car..."

all in humor,

Windows NT crashed.
I am the Blue Screen of Death.            For PGP public key:
No one hears your screams.             finger mchang@ece.nwu.edu