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93 90S service
I dont know if you have an automatic, but if so, it definitely time to have
the trans fluid flushed if it hasn't been done. John Casarra of Autobahn
performance wrote a great article in the Quattro Quarterly. If you dont have
a copy, I can fax the article to you.
When I had my timing belt done, I also had the water pump done (as long as
they are down that far) belt tensioners, and serpentine belt. Independent guy
here in illinois, did it for $694.00, and I supplied the serp belt. He was
on target with the parts charges, even less than my regular parts guy in some,
but the labor kills you.
$300 for parts, $394 for labor.
I have also seen posts to the list that have paid far less than I.
David H.
93 90s
86 5000s