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Re: Dogs in our cars, and mud flaps

At 20:20 8/10/98 -0700, Joe Rae wrote:
>Okay how do those of you who have dogs, (ie a 95 pound retriever) put them
>in your cars, YOU AVANT GUYS DO NOT NEED TO RESPOND! ;] I have tried putting
>a blanket down but that does not seem to do any good. 

I take Sam T. Dog (Golden Retriever, about 70 pounds) with me to work daily
in my Coupe Q.  We started by having the back seat down; unfortunately, Sam
slid from side to side during turns.  We went back to the "normal" leather
back seat, and Sam is much happier.  We keep his claws clipped, and the
leather is fine.

The only real problem is that dog hair gets into every nook and cranny, and 
sticks like glue to the carpet.  And we really don't want the car to smell
like wet dog, so an emergency towel is in the trunk.

Sam is an incredibly laid back dog; less mellow breeds might have more
problems.  Your mileage may vary.


John Allred				phone:	(206) 281-7990 x114
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