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RE: Coupe GT brakes.
-----Original Message-----
From: Lyle Pratt [SMTP:lhpratt@ixi.net]
Sent: Wednesday, August 12, 1998 6:13 PM
To: quattro@coimbra.ans.net
Subject: Coupe GT brakes.
I own a 1987 Audi Coupe GT with the late NG engine. While driving
Continental Divide yesterday I suddenly heard a 'hissing' sound
from beneath the dash. The hissing sounds like either air escaping
being sucked in through a small hole. This sound stops immediately
the brake pedal is depressed, but returns the instant I lift off the
brake. Today I disassembled the lower dash to reveal where the
booster push rod goes through the firewall, and started the engine
again. The sound is apparently coming from this seal where the rod
leaves the passenger compartment. The sound in almost inaudible
the engine compartment.
Questions: Which parts do I need to replace? Do I need to replace
booster, master cylinder, and regulator, or just the seals on either
side of the brake booster mount?
I have priced the following items, and was wondering if these prices
sound reasonable. Master Cyl. $149, Brake Booster $199, Regulater
All from Blaufergnugen.
Any assistance in diagnosis or repair procedure would be greatly
appreciated as I am hoping to head up to Glacier Park in Montana
next week. Much thanks in advance. ALP.