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RE: UFO conversion info

No brakes, other than the UFO brakes, will bolt onto the UFO struts. You
must replace strut towers with all brake downgrades from UFO brakes.

As an aside, read this from the Archives:

Greg Amy
Milford, CT

		I am not interested in an 'upgrade', this is to be a
		daily-driver/commuter vehicle. What I want to do is
eliminate the very
		expen$ive UFO sy$tem with the OEM 5000/200TQ G60 and
276mm 5x112mm rotors
		for co$t reasons and also to be able to fit the Fuchs
forged 15x7" wheels
		over the brakes. These wheels will (I hear) not fit over
the UFO brakes. My
		biggest question now is if the 93-95 90Q carriers will
allow the G60s and
		276mm 5x112mm rotors to bolt-on using the existing 91
200TQ struts, etc.