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RE: MailAdministratorNYC BOUNCES!

Muy Apologies to all.

I SWORE to our MIS dept that I wasn't getting email yesterday afternoon
since noon.  Anyone Ever have this same conversation?

"Look __, can you reset the mail server.  I'm not getting any messages."
"Derek, my mail is working, I have plenty of messages."
"Yes, but I do not have any dating past lunch time."
"How can you tell you're not getting messages if you already have 40 with
today's date?"

Looks like things are working now, but apologize to the lists for the
bounces.  Please let me know if they are still showing up.  I'm now getting
direct mail w/o Mail Ad in the subject line, so I assume everything is AOK.

Sorry for our situation, 

P.S.  This never happened on our Novell / Groupwise & Mac set-up.  But now
we made the switch to NT and IBM's.  Hmmmmmn?

Derek Daily
90 CQ
86 VW qsw

	-----Original Message-----
	From:	Mark Pollan [SMTP:Mark.POLLAN@mci.com]
	Sent:	Thursday, August 13, 1998 5:57 AM
	To:	quattro@coimbra.ans.net
	Subject:	MailAdministratorNYC <Admin@nyc.mitsui.com>

	Anybody else getting a bunch of responses with nothing but original
	message from the above?

	Mark P