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Radiator replacement on 87 5000CST

Where can I get these all metal hoses? Who said that? Must have been my
evil twin. Changing the radiator and hoses is a piece of cake, albeit
time consuming. Just take it as a logical progression of small tasks,
try not to make it be too hard. You might want to pull the fan out with
the radiator, I forget, and you might want to do the thermostat while
the radiator is out. Be careful, though, those little bolts like to
break off. Don't forget to disconnect the neg side of the battery before
working on the fan. Have a new thermostat o-ring on hand, and sand or
scrape every metal part that contacts a hose so the corrosion buildup is
removed, aiding in a better seal. Use phosphate free coolant, mixed
50/50 with distilled water. VW sells it, as does Quaker State. No
excuses here. A thin coat of Gasgacinch works nicely to help slip the
new hoses on. NO sealant on the thermostat o-ring,  if I see silicone on
the flange I'll rap your knuckles with a ruler. Just a few random
thoughts here, hope they help. John.