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clutch pedal play

Hello all,
Boomer is very happy with all the brakes bled and now, the clutch as well;
it was suprisingly easy to do with the help of a friend.  Including waiting
for the engine to cool a little, lots of yakking, joking around+stuff, it
took us about an hour; maybe 15 minutes of that was actual messing with the
screw+doing the pumping.  Lots of crap came out; the brake fluid was dark
brown, and the bottom of the container had a lot of black bits; rubber I
assume, which is kinda unfortunate.  I did 2-3 bleed cycles, which I
figured was good enough for now; I intend to do a second bleed all around
after I get back from my trip to NH this weekend.

What was odd was that the clutch was remarkably easier to operate after the
brakes had been bled.  I'm not exactly sure why, either.

Anyways, the clutch pedal has play in it; it did _before_ the bleed as
well, so it's not like I sucked some air into the system.  I suspect more
that it's play between the pedal and the master cylinder.

How can one adjust this(or perhaps a better question is, how can one
eliminate this "play")?

91 200q20v

Brett Dikeman
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