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Re: Hydrolic Pump Seals

It turns out that the main shaft seal is the leak point. This is now
obvious since I cleaned all the grime off the pump during my first
repair attempt. The bearings don't have any noticeable freeplay. A
friend pressed off the pully hub for me. We put in a new shaft seal
(lightly greased) and hopefully will reassemble tonight with the rest of
the new seals. Bentley has a nice repair group (48.30) of the pump,
which I didn't know was there. 
BTW, other listers have reported leaks from the external caps and the
joint between the two halves. I guess that means that the only place
they don't leak from is the two relief valves.

Dave Conner wrote:
> You wrote:
> I changed the 6 o-rings around the perimeter of my pump but it still
> leaks. Is it possible to change the main shaft seal?
> TIA,
> Wolff
> I'm a little behind in my reading.
> Did you figure this out yet?
> I rebuilt one of these recently, and replaced a lot more than six o-rings.
> There are different versions of the rebuild kit.  The one from Carlsen has
> all the O-rings, but no main seal.  I used a different one (forget where I
> got it) that came with O-rings plus the main seal, and it cost about
> $30...more than Carlsens @ +/- $20.  Anyway...I tried to use everything
> that came in the kit.  The main seal is a problem...requiring special
> tools, and I did not replace it.  My pump does not leak however.  I wonder
> how often that seal fails?  Could it be you need to replace some more
> O-rings and your seal is OK?  I just about think I'd rather buy a rebuilt
> pump than deal with the seal and special tools.  I would assume the
> professional rebuilts have this seal replaced.
> I belive Bentley shows the procedure for seal replacement.
> I wonder if anybody is replacing that seal when they rebuild their own pump?
> bye,
> Dave Conner