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                                                                       Gorman Ridge PRO Rally
                                                                          August 21-23, 1998

                       Update Message as of August 16, 1998 from Harris Done

                       The Maxwell Stage will not be included in this years event due to excessive rain damage!  The event will now consist of ten stages,  which will all be in excellent
                       shape.   One benefit will be shorter service transits, since we will stay on the ridge route and not travel to Lake Hughes.  The entry list should top thirty, so we'll be
                       seeing some great competition.  Thr rally will remain a triple points event.  - All rooms are sold out at the Flying J Travel Plaza, try the Caravan Inn in Gorman.   

                       Event Information
                       123.8  total miles, 10 stages for 61.3 stage miles
                       CRS Championship event (triple points) SCCA Divisional (coefficient 3)
                       Harris Done 310-458-0199
                       Donna Mitchell 805-523-1387 (call for entry forms and information)
                       Larry Scott 619-489-9302
                       Generally smooth, hard packed dirt with occasional sandy spots, washouts and some waterbars. Elevation varies from 3,000 to 4,500 feet.
                       Event Headquarters
                       Best Rest Inn - Flying J Travel Plaza, Lebec, CA, phone 805-248-2700 mention the rally when making reservations for special room rates and avalibiality.
                       On I-5, 60 minutes North of Los Angeles, 2 miles Notrh of Gorman, exit Frazier Park Rd.
                       Friday, Aug. 21
                       7-10 pm    Registration Thad's Restaurant, Flying J
                       7-10:30 pm   Tech Inspection Parking lot, Flying J
                       8:30-11:30 pm Welcome Party Ridge Saloon, Flying J
                       Saturday, Aug. 22
                       8:30 am  Routebooks Issued
                       10:30 am Rally Cars on Display Flying J parking lot
                       11:15 am Driver's Meeting
                       12:00 noon First Car Starts the event
                       11:06 pm First CAr Finish the event, Post rally BBQ, Flying J
                       Sunday, Aug. 23
                       Awards Ridge Saloon, Flying J
                       Entry Fees
                       $250 post marked by 7-18-98
                       $300 post marked by 8-12-98
                       $300 cash nly at the event
                       SCCA licenses and memberships may be purchased at the event.