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Re: Radio Removal

Go to your local closet (no - I'm not suggesting you come out of it :-) ),
you know - the breeding place for wire coat hangers.  Coat hanger wire is
just perfect for this job.  You can make two tools from the bottom straight
section of one hanger.  Cut it in half and bend each half into a "U" shape
with the "tops" of the "U" about the same distance apart as the holes are
in the front of the radio.

At 07:14 PM 8/23/98 +0000, you wrote:
>Go to your local building supply and buy one piece of hanger wire for 
>hanging suspended ceilings - this will give you enough wire to make 
>several sets of radio pulling tools. - Hey give some to your friends!
>Note by making two you can pull the radio out all at once and don't 
>need to go side to side.
>> To get the radio out you need to find two small diameter (1/8") rods (I use
>> small philips head screw drivers).  You push these in the holes on one
side of
>> the radio and pry slightly to the left on the left and to right for the
>> side. As you apply pressure to the left or right also pull towards you
>> slightly. What you are doing is depressing two spear shaped tabs that
keep the
>> radio from sliding out. 
>> Do this on one side until the radio is loose and then do it on the
other. At
>> this point the radio should be loose and you should be able to pull it out
>> until you can undo the connections. Then throw it away and buy a real one!
>> Just my humble opinion :).
>Thomas A. Robbs
>Milwaukee, WI
>1988 90Q, 1993 S4
*  Robert L. Myers  rmyers@inetone.net    Home 304-574-2372/1166  *
*  Rt. 4, Box 57,  Fayetteville, WV 25840 USA      WV tag Q SHIP  *
*  '95 S6  Cashmere Grey                                          *