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Re: radio removal

"Mark L. Chang" <mchang@ece.nwu.edu> writes:

>Find four little screwdrivers (of the jeweler's type) ... grab a friend...
>stick the four screwdrivers into the four little holes...
>I believe, then push _out_ on each of the screwdrivers, horizontally, and
>pull it out... you're actually actuating four little metal tabs, two on
>either side of the unit.
>If that doesn't work, wiggle _in_ on each of the screwdrivers (I forget
>which way this goes).

For my Bose radio in the 200T, it was push *in*. And I made two U-shaped
loops of wire from coat hangers to do the trick. Each leg was about 1"
long, with the middle part corresponding to the distance between the two
holes (1.5" ?) on each side of the radio. 

Took about a minute to fabricate these two loops...but I had the benefit of
having a second radio chassis on the table in front of me. No friend needed.

