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30 days in the hole [WARNING-TOPIC DRIFT]

Just a quick note to say that I'm going to drop the topic, unless 
readers ask for rebuttals (which I have, with cites, in abundance.)  
While I firmly believe (of course) that my side is the side with fact 
and logic, I'm sure Phil feels the same.  The Q-List is the wrong
venue for this debate.  My point at the time was merely that
the two countries differ in how they treat drivers on cell phones
for the same reason they treat other behaviors that could cause
someone else harm differently.
> In message <199808251413.KAA12239@guru.ai.net> Fringe Ryder writes:
> > In 1991, there were over 3000 gun deaths
> > in London alone.  (And this info comes from the Sunday Times of Britain.)
> I got a private copy and didn't realise it was also going to the list.
> I'll keep it brief - a House of Commons Written Reply on 13 January 1997
> gave the total for firearms-related deaths in the UK in 1995 as 259.
> The corresponding figure for the USA is 36,671 - 141 times as many.

'97 A4Q 2.8L stick
I have a keyboard, and I'm not afraid to use it!