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Mad cow disease victim?

>From: "Dave Aukerman" <mhauk@ccsdana.net>
>Subject: Re: Castle Combe grp B car club and audi q track day (long)
>Gee Phil, this on the heels of you claiming to _never_ drink and drive. 
>Next your going to be confessing to the list that you do _indeed_ eat
>burgers while talking on the cell phone and driving with your knees with
>the cruise control engaged in downtown traffic.  Maybe we should nickname
>you Mr. Bill.

Hey Dave, lay off Phil a tad - he IS an Audi god, you know . . . besides,
he has several good excuses he might offer:

	1) Officer, the burger I just ate (while talking on the cell phone etc)
was made from a British cow, and I have the beginning stages of Mad Cow
disease, which, although never having been proven to be transmissible from
cows to humans, nevertheless . . . 

	2) Aristophanes (or someone) wrote a play about the foibles of the Greek
gods. Under the equal god's rights amendment, British gods are entitled to
the same consideration . . .

	3) On the Mr. Bill, the only affair Phil seems to be carrying on is with
his car, a fault we all suffer from to varying degrees - and Phil at least
has never lied about it or tried to get anyone else to lie about it either.

Too much time on my hands this AM before work . . .

Best Regards to _ALL_ us Q-listers

Mike Arman