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RE: It Still Barks

There are a few of us (Adam Recktenwald is one) who have expressed concern
over a similar problem - I've had my '93 90CS since April and from day one,
it has had a "chirp" from 3rd to 4th gear, (not 2nd to 3rd,) and the shift
is a little rougher than the others.  Really drives me crazy!  I included
it on my list of things for the dealership to fix, but they couldn't find
the cause (it was a VW dealership). I did pose the question to the listers,
but no one had a plausible suggestion, except Elliot, who has been very
helpful in the past. :-)

As always, suggestions are mucho appreciated from the listers.

Let's work on this "annoyance" together - hopefully we can come up with the
answer, (before my head explodes!)

-Bob Beach, San Jose, CA
1993 90CS "Songbird!"

Date: Tue, 25 Aug 1998 22:30:09 -0500
From: John Courtney <dendrite@sbt.infi.net>
Subject: It still barks!

Okay.    I picked up the car today from the Audi dealer.  You might
recall that it had been "barking" (slipping) when shifting from 2nd to
3rd.  Well, it still makes the same slipping noise, and it shifts kinda

The dealer swapped out the radiator for a new one.  Said the electronic
device you all described told him that this was where the transmission
was malfunctioning.  Apparently the tranny cooler was kaput and the
coolant and transmission fluid were hell-bent on switching places.  Once
this was replaced, he swears that all is now right with the world.

Regardless, it's still making the squeak-like barking noise and it still
seems to shift pretty hard.

My question:  Does anyone else out there have a 1993 100cs (automatic)
that makes this wierd noise between 2nd and 3rd?   Has Audi declared
this noise as "acceptable?"   Does anyone else have problems with the
idea that the coolant/trans fluid swap was the only culprit that would
make the shifting between 2nd and 3rd (ONLY) seem hard and make unusual

Thanks a lot for your help!

John Courtney