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ADMIN: Plain text postings
FYI, I got a request for more info about how to ensure q-list postings do
not have HTML or MIME encoding, so I thought I'd copy the response to the
list. I hope that it is useful to some of you out there ... SLB
> Sorry to trouble you Steve,
... no problem Kevin! It's my job! :-)
> I am currently using MS Outlook Express for my email and I believe it is
> responding to the Qlist in MIME format. I can't find in preferences how I
> can change this. After you sent me a mail stating my replies were either
> MIME or HTML I did make a change so as not to send in HTML but my replies
> are generally still not making it to the main list.
... are you sure that they are getting sent out at all? I don't recall
seeing a lot of bounces from your address.
I too have MS Outlook for my e-mail. What I did was to create an entry in
my address book called "qlist" ... once an entry is in the address book you
can double click on it and it will allow you to edit things like the SMTP
address and assign address and phone numbers. At the bottom of the box
there is a button labeled "Send Options" ... when you push this button it
brings up a window which has a checkbox at the top that says something like
"I want to specify the format for messages to this recipient" ... check this
box, and make sure that the button that is labeled "Plain text/uuencode" is
selected. I then make sure to use the "qlist" entry when I post and I have
had no problems!
Steve Buchholz
Temporary q-listmeister