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Re: Gorman Ridge Rally

Just a nit, but that should be WRC cars.  Indeed, even current GpA cars are
now superior to what GpB was 12 years ago.  But, of course,we have to
remember that GpB was far from being as developed as the GpA cars were
(Celica, Imprezza, Escort)  or are (Lancer/Carisma).  As fast and furious
as development on GpB was, they have nothing on current GpA cars.  
This is normal though...  How many times have FIA (or CART!) mandated some
change designed to reduce speed and make racing safer.  Speeds always rise
back up.  Ever wonder how fast Champ Cars would be if they could aero all
they wanted and not have a pop-off valve?  Scary.....

At 10:33 PM 8/27/1998 ,  Ron Wood was inspired to say:
>  then ? Of course the current WSC cars are far superior to the older 
>  Group B cars, technology has advanced a great deal in the past 15 years.

	88 90Q - <insert pithy witticism here>
	88 Golf GTi - PRO Rally