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RE: SoCal Events

The Peterson Auto Museum is in Los Angeles, and the Tustin Vintage Race is
in Orange County.

ALL ARE INVITED, and if we can get enough Audi's to show up, they WILL give
us a Corral. I talked to Chris Nagano about this, and she is going to try to
get the word out, but just in case, you all might want to contact either
Chris or Paul Rivera to let them know who is coming to both (or who to which
event), then they can give me the count. I will need this ASAP as these
events are just weeks away.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-quattro@coimbra.ans.net
> [mailto:owner-quattro@coimbra.ans.net]On Behalf Of Timothy C Salazar II
> Sent: Saturday, August 29, 1998 8:07 PM
> To: quattro@coimbra.ans.net
> Subject: Re: SoCal Events
> Where exactly is this taking place?  L.A?
> On Sat, 29 Aug 1998 15:16:24 -0700 "Mike Zamarocy"
> <***mhdavion@earthlink.net***> writes:
> >The Audi A4 Club is trying to set up some events, and I would like to
> >see if
> >any of you Q-Listers would like to come:
> >
> >Sept 19 - Peterson Automotive Museum
> >
> >	Date:			Saturday September 19, 1998
> >10:00AM
> >	Location:		Petersen Automotive Museum (current
> >exhibit -
> >Deusenbergs)
> >				http://www.nhm.org/petersen/index2.htm
> >				Corner Wilshire and Fairfax (parking
> >entrance is on 					Fairfax) Top
> >floor of parking structure
> >
> >	Featured guest:  	Anthony from Greedspeed (might also
> >bring someone from
> >				Neuspeed)
> >				They will bring their project car
> >(currently putting out 				about 325
> >to 350 HP) and discuss performance options
> >
> >	Raffle: 		LLTek grill
> >				Extravaganza T-shirts
> >				Greedspeed stuff - to be determined
> >
> >	Lunch:		Lunch location to be determined
> >	Cost			Museum -	$6.00
> >				Parking - 	$4.00
> >				Lunch - 	$tbd
> >
> >All we need to do now is get people to RSVP and show up.  Anthony said
> >that
> >he would also get the word out to his customers.  Anthony and I spoke
> >for
> >about 30 min. and this should be a great event.
> >
> >*********************************
> >Sept 18-20 there will be a Vintage Race at the Tustin Marine Air Base.
> >If we
> >get enough folks to RSVP, they will even rope off a "CORRAL" for us!
> >Tickets
> >are $20 at the gate on race day, but go to any
> >Chrysler/Plymouth/Dodge/Jeep
> >dealer, and they also have $5 off coupons.
> >
> >-------------------------------
> >Thanks
> >Mike Zamarocy
> >Please remove *** from my address to reply.
> >
> >
> Love, Like, or Just Plain Tolerate,
> Timothy