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re: Want to Trade Coupe GT Biscuit Spare for ur-Q Biscuit Spare

> Douglas,

Please! Call me Doug!

> I didn't know a full size unit fits in the trunk. 
> I've never tried it.
> Where do you store it, on the passenger side,
> opposite the jack?

In the Coupe GT, you can lay a full-size tire down flat in the depression 
between the left & right "impact compression" channels.

With the ur-Q, you have to stand the tire up in the same area, with the
spokes of the Ronal R8 facing you; the front lower section of the tire
must go all the way toward you against the inside of the trunk, and you
kind of have to hold it at a funny angle to close and latch the trunk. But
it works.

-doug q
-Douglas Hurst Quebbeman (dougq@iglou.com)       [Call me "Doug"]
    QuattroClub USA# 4536     Audi International # 100024
       74 100LS Auto,     84 Coupe GT 
       77 100LS Auto,     86 5Kcstq QLCC 1.8bar  
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