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Type 44 a/c ambient sensors

(G17 and G57)

OK - I found the one behind the front grill.   Where's the other *%&$@?

I was helping Roger diagnose the a/c on his Type 44 yesterday, when the
phone rang.  It was a new owner of an MB, chassis and engine numbers
about ten below mine.  His car had stopped when driving and wouldn't

Roger was, because his wife is a duty pharmacist at a local hospital
and they have small children, obliged to stay at home.  I didn't have
most of my diagnostic stuff with me (you don't need it for a/c) so I
set off for Bicester, Oxfordshire, with just a few basic tools.

Two hours later the car was running.  Not much wrong with it:

   a) Accordion hose loose on lower joint.

   b) Air mass sensor plenun only 'secured' by one bolt.

   c) Two plug lines crossed.

   d) One injector out.

   e) One ECU earth off at the inlet manifold.

   f) Static timing about 3 degrees out.

 Phil Payne
 Phone: 0385 302803   Fax: 01536 723021
 (The contents of this post will _NOT_ appear in the UK Newsletter.)