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RE: RF CV Boot job questions (5ktq)
> Mine are SKF too. The axle nut was so tight that I could only just start
> the
> threads by hand. Just winding the nut on took so much effort that I was
> sure
> that I'd crossed it. After 4 turns I gave up and refitted the old nut.
> Some
> day when I'm feeling energetic I'll have another go.
BTDT on my old Audi Fox. What I found was that the factory had used
something like glyptol (sp?) on the threads to keep it from backing off. I
took a wire brush to the threads of the outer CV and cleaned off the white
material, it was then possible for a mere mortal to remove the nut. I've
never seen this stuff used on any of my newer Audis, but that's always the
first thing I look for ...
Steve Buchholz
San Jose, CA (USA)