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RE: 84 CGT no start

It sound like the ignition switch to me. They commonly crack the cheap
plastic housing and no longer make contact with the 15 terminal. The 15
circuit powers the ignition and fuel system and as is typical of Audi
they have too much current going through the switch. The steering wheel
and steering column switches have to come off so the steering lock
assemble came come off so you can replace the $10 switch.
Check for power out of the ignition switch from the 15 terminal, should
be a med/large black wire.
Audi sell separate wiring diagram books for almost all the US model cars
going back the 1978 5000's and the 1980 4000's. they can be ordered
through Dyment, I don't know what are still available. I have a list of
part numbers for the different books some where around here I'll post
them here if people are interested.
Jim Dupree

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Huw Powell [SMTP:human@nh.ultranet.com]
> Sent:	Wednesday, September 02, 1998 4:25 PM
> To:	harrison sapir; quattro group
> Subject:	Re: 84 CGT no start
> > Looking for some help with my friend's "new to him" 84 CGT. The car
> > ran perfect for three days, was left sitting over the weekend, and
> now
> > is not starting. I checked all relevant fuses and relays, they all
> > seem to be good. When the key is in the on position, there are no
> > check lights showing on the dash, the fuel pump does not run, and
> the
> > turn signals will not work. The windows and heater fan still operate
> > though. Any BTDT on this situation? I have no Bentley for this car
> and
> > his cheesy little Haynes manual is worthless.
> That cheesy little Haynes still has an almost complete wiring diagram.
> Follow it around from the ign switch to the things that are working
> (the
> ones you mention run off the Load Reduction Relay) and the things that
> aren't, maybe you will find a few "hot spots" worth digging into and
> checking for continuity.  You don't mention if the car cranks or just
> does nothing?
> -- 
> Huw Powell
> http://www.thebook.com/human-speakers/audi-main.htm
> "This is the place where death rejoices to teach those who live."
> Usually it is written in Latin.