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Re: Anyone got icq????

The real way is to get together at a resteraunt for food+drink.  If you're
either in the bay in CA or Boston/NH areas, you're in luck.  I believe
there's also a CO group, if I'm not mistaken.  Don't hear much from them.

If you're in the area, I'd be happy to give you subscription info for our
mailing list.


>Hello again everyone, I'm kinda new to this list and was wondering if
>anyone on here had icq.  If you do could you please send me your #'s
>cause I'd love to talk with some of you guys.  I'm kinda new to audi's.
>Dan Murphy
>Murphs VW Tech Tips And More
>ICQ # 4253226

Brett Dikeman
Hostes alienigeni me abduxerunt.  Qui annus est?
Te audire non possum.  Musa sapientum fixa est in aure.
Ita, scio hunc 'sig file' veterem fieri.