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Well, my Labor Day weekend got off to an interesting start. 

I was on my way home from work and rounding the last corner before our house
on a narrow country road when an 81 Ch*vy Citation loses it coming the
opposite direction. He entered a 100 degree curve doing 45-50mph, and
unfamiliar with the road. Apparently, he realized his folly and immediately
tromped on his brakes, putting his car in a skid and making a b-line for the
front my car. I hit the gas, got off to the side, but he still smacked my
driver's side rear quarter and rear door. Good thing for him that he hit us
or he would of ended up over the bank and into the N. Fork of the Roanoke River.

It was the beginning of Labor Day weekend, the day before a home game [VA
Tech (38) v. East Carolina (3)], and lots of out-of-town traffic on a
normally tame road. It took the state an hour and half to get there, so I
got to know my adversary pretty well. Turns out he was 16, just got his
license and was pretty sure his mom was going to beat his butt.

Now I've got some choices to make. I don't think the frame is bent. A new
quarter panel will have to be welded in, and I will need a replacement door,
rim, bumper, paint, etc.. I plan to keep the car, try to buy good used
parts, and put the money into a good paint job for the whole car.
Fortunately, this was only my second accident, and it was not my fault. How
should I go about dealing with his insurance agency to get the most I can
possibly get? 

Anyone have experience/advise they'd like to share as far as dealing with
insurance companies, getting multiple estimates, etc.? Thanks.

Dylan Jenkins
Virginia Tech - Department of Forestry  
216B Cheatham Hall (0324)    
Blacksburg, Virginia 24061   