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RE: NorCal A4 Owners Club Lunch - Sept 11th

Another route (for those who care) is to take N. First Street over 237 and
all the way to Alviso.  It will curve around to the left and take you past a
driving range.  Turn right at the second stop sign and the restaurant will
be on the left.
Corey Smith
KLA-Tencor Inc.
Work:  408.875.2331     corey.smith@kla-tencor.com
Home: 408.873.7504     smythe@2xtreme.net
Pager: 888.760.0829     8007208398.0948757@pagenet.net

> ----------
> From: 	Steve Sherwood[SMTP:ssher@svbank.com]
> Sent: 	Tuesday, September 08, 1998 3:11 PM
> To: 	Rick Baro; Timothy Lohse; i - Steve Williams; Steve Klebe;
> Abidog,Ronald; i - Robert Brandle; i - Quattro List; Phil Jung; Jerry
> Pretti; James M. Simone; Michael Jacobs; hhong@pacbell.net; i - Drew
> Hamer; i - Ferdinand Tiu; esp@appsig.com; Damon Geller;
> Corey.Smith@kla-tencor.com; CBoynton8@aol.com; i - Security First
> Subject: 	NorCal A4 Owners Club Lunch - Sept 11th
> For those of you interested the NorCal A4 Club will be having another
> informal lunch meeting at Maria Elena's in Alviso, yes Alviso.  Go to the
> end of Great America Parkway, stay right until you reach Lafayette Street.
> Take a left on Lafayette and go into downtown Alviso.  The restaurant
> will be on the left, inside and outside dining.  If you are interested we 
> will
> be meeting there at 11:25 - 11:30am.  The food is good here, authentic 
> mexican
> food.  Hope to see you there.  (the also have Margarita's!!!!)
> Steve Sherwood
> 97 2.8QM
> NorCal A4 owners club