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Re: 90 climate control

Hairy green toads from Mars made Dan Simoes say:

> > They said that the first thing to do would be to recharge the freon
> > and that that might fix the problem. 
> Sure.  That's like going to the doctor with a headache and he suggests
> that you may have a vitamin deficiency, without actually checking
> you.
> > The problem is that when I hit AUTO or
> > BILEV or ECON no air come through the vents.
> Obivously there is another problem.  No freon just means hot air, not
> no air.
> Have you run the control head diagnostics, listed on the 20v
> pages?  If not, you should.


This is a programmer/flap problem, nothing whatsoever to do
with freon.

Run the diagnostics, see what they say. Also, there are some flaps
that are easy to find in the 90 (don't know which, I have a 100).
You can look at them to see if they move.


Andrew L. Duane (JOT-7)			duane@zk3.dec.com
Compaq Computer Corporation		(603)-884-1294
110 Spit Brook Road
M/S ZKO3-3/U14
Nashua, NH    03062-2698

Only my cat shares my opinions, and she's too psychotic to express it