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Re: NEW RONIN Movie..!!!! rippin' Audi S8 quattro!!!!!
>#14 - Stree Shootout (1.44mb) has a fight on the street w/de niro & co
>using the S8 as a bullet shield (gasp!!!) .. maybe it's bulletproof and
>hardended for spy use, eh?
Yep. You know aluminium...so tough! Stands up to those nasty steel
bullets so well...heck, you shouldn't need a trip to a special body
shop(recommendable by your nearest dealer) until you've had at _least_ 3
Audi has hawked this as a major selling point of the car. "Hey, you're
mofioso, you don't want to have to stop in at Tony's Body Shop every time
someone takes a pot shot at ya, now do yah?" said Audi marketing director
Imaclue Less.
I'd be willing to bet they had to be extra careful with special effects
charges for bullet strikes(which are BS in themselves, the bullets would go
in one end and out the other; ever shot bb's at soda cans? Aluminium is
_very_ soft, and easily dented.
Aluminium is a great choice for weight reduction, but it means that parking
lots are going to be disasters. Anyone seen the saturn commercial with the
baseball lesson? Picture that with an A8 :o
Brett Dikeman
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