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Re: Stealthy A4 courtesy Valentine One

On Mon, 14 Sep 1998, Robert Houk - WorkGroup Server Firmware wrote:
> So, let's see, when going to Russia, a suitcase full of Levis and Camels,
This is a stereotype. Besides, this is plain wrong. Due to the high 
cigarette tax in the US and the rest of the "Western World" ,  Camel in 
Russia is way cheaper.

Now coming to qlist related topic:

> when going to New Zealand, a suitcase full of V1s . . . gotcha . . .
> Actually, this does revive a question recently asked of me, and this
> list should be a good source:  Do other countries -- and, specifically,
> "Europe" (*) -- use Radar and/or Laser for speed enforcement, and if
> so, do they use the same bands as the U.S. revenue enhancment agencies
> (specifically, in what other countries would the U.S. Valentine One
> work, where wouldn't it, and where would I be arrested for Terrorism
> or Espionage or just plain TroubleMaking)?

The good place to start is http://sunsite.unc.edu/rdu/p-sptax.html

There are also links there re radar and radar detector use and 
legality elsewhere in this world. Go to
http://sunsite.unc.edu/rdu/p-sl.html   link
after you checked everything on the main page.

> Sorry, can't help ya there. On mine, I tapped into visor for power (yes,
> I want it on always...)

I agree with you here. And same for the radio. Why do "professional" 
installers in, say, Circuit City install the radios so that it doesn't
work when ignition is off is still a mystery to me. Both ways are equally
simple to connect but the latter makes listening impossible when waiting
with the engine off or working on the car. 

> and am annoyed that "starting" the engine causes
> the V1 to do a power-cycle sequence -- there are enough beeps, whistles,
> and other audible alerts without the V1 adding to the cacophony)

:) I took out the relay that buzzes/whistles when the door is open, seat 
belt not engaged, etc.

Good luck,
