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Re: Frequency Valve

> I need to know what the frequency valve on my '84 Coupe GT does.  Mine is
> not running.  How big of a problem is this?  I believe that I may be missing
> a relay.  Could this stop the Frequency valve from operating?

The fuel frequency valve adds extra fuel over-and-above the capabilities of the
fuel distributor, under, I think, WOT conditions. Without it, you might hear
some detonation (pinging) under load.

hth, -doug q
-Douglas Hurst Quebbeman (dougq@iglou.com)       [Call me "Doug"]
    QuattroClub USA# 4536     Audi International # 100024
       74 100LS Auto,   77 100LS Auto,   84 Coupe GT 
           83 ur-Q,   86 5Kcstq QLCC 1.8bar  
"The large print giveth, and the small print taketh away."  -Tom Waits