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Re: Part Numbers Needed

Easiest (and cheapest) way: Call Carlsen Audi @  800-523-2408  and ask for
Linda in parts.  Say the following: "Hi Linda, my name is Geoff Brumback.
You don't know me but I'm on the Quattro List and am calling to get some
parts."  She'll set you up and you can order parts from a dealer at prices
your local dealer would smack themselves in the forehead for and say
"That's cheaper than we're paying for them."  Of course, this will let you
know just how much your local dealer is full of shtuff.  She should know
the part numbers for all of those off the top of her head, with the most
likely exception of the gasket.  But you could find one yourself (just a
nylon washer) at the local Ace hardware for  about 25 cents.  Skip the
Bosche air filter and get a K&N. $40 but it's lifetime and believe me, once
you try and replace it, you'll never want to go in there again.

If you're thinking of replacing the fuel filter, I'd grab a look underneath
first and see how rusted out your fuel lines are.  Your car has an exposed
fuel delivery system.  If yours is FWD, it's located on the passenger side
just about underneath where the rear seats are.  Q models have it on the
driver's side.  it comprises the following:  rubber hose from tank to pump,
pump, metal line to accumulator, accumulator, metal line to filter, filter,
main fuel line extension piece.  The last piece is (I think) a metal line
and it connects to the main fuel line so if the pump gets whacked or
something you only have to replace the short piece attached to the filter,
not the entire line.  Of course, all the metal lines are banjo bolted and
have seals.  These are all rusted and will turn to rusty dust if you try to
take them apart.  You will spray gas all over the place and curse
profusely.  I took a look and put the filter on the shelf until I get all
the parts in myself and I haven't even looked at the fiche.  that's how
much I'm looking forward to it.  The Audi Service Training manual says the
fuel filter has no change interval and is useable for the life of the
vehicle unless contaminated.  The filter's only $10 (from Linda) but the
rest of the stuff is more, I'm sure.....

At 02:08 PM 9/16/1998 ,  Geoff Brumback was inspired to say:
>  If anyone has the following part numbers for an '88 80 I would greatly 
>  appreciate receiving them.
>  Bosch Oil Filter
>  Little Gasket of oil drain plug
>  Bosch Air Filter
>  Bosch Fuel Filter
>  Bosch W7RTF Spark Plugs

	88 90Q - <insert pithy witticism here>
	88 Golf GTi - PRO Rally