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Re: beaten UrQ for sale in Tampa (parts car)

Check digits are like parity bits or a message hash.  I don't know the
algorithm but it's value is determined by the other numbers and is used to
check against the other numbers being changed.  If any of the other numbers
are different, then the check digit would be different but not randomly
different.  I would assume that any dealer could punch up a VIN or do the
calc them selves and say that (hypothetical) WAUDC0853DA900543 is a valid
VIN but WAUDC0853DA900544 is not.

Built into almost all types of serial numbers, VINs, credit card numbers,
etc...  Notable exception: Social Security Numbers (USA) do NOT have a
check digit....

At 07:56 PM 9/23/1998 ,  ANDREW FINNEY was inspired to say:
>  Mine is WAUDC0853DA900543 and the build date was 7/82. That's close to
50 cars 
>  a month. Question, what does the "3" digit after the type 85 mean? Bentley 
>  calls it a check digit. What does that mean?

	88 90Q - <insert pithy witticism here>
	88 Golf GTi - PRO Rally