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4ks idle problems
Hi people,
I recently bought a 1986 4ks with 80k for $1300. It had a few minor
problems - front control arm bushings (what a pain that was! I used the
hacksaw, hammer & socket method on the driveway - not much fun at all, most
of the epidermal layers on my knuckles have regenerated quite nicely though)
also pads & rotors. Other than it is in great shape and everything works
except the antenna and power mirrors. Oh yeah.. there is this idle thing...
Upon starting, the idle is low (500 -600) and rough until the car fully
warms up. The car will idle OK if you keep the throttle depressed. When
warm the car runs fine and idles well around 950 although there seems to be
no involvement from the ISV. A/C on & off, headlights on & off w/ and w/o
the heater fan on hi speed elicits a change in RPM of 100 to 200 or so with
no apparent attempt by the ISV for correction. Also I seem to remember the
ISV on my 5Kcs doing some whirring/buzzing/ clicking sort of thing with the
ignition on before starting. There is none here. A good blip of the
throttle shows no hunting reflex by the ISV to restore idle. Yes, I flooded
it with brake cleaner and there is 12v going to the ISV (pins 1 & 3 ??).
So I guess it is bad? A moot point since someone is sending me another this
week - I will know soon enough. Which brings me to my 2nd point. Haynes
sucks. If your engine is CIS-E it is a complete waste of money. Upon
removing the shrinkey wrap the manual fell into the engine bay and I
attempted to retrive it with goopey hand syndrome, thus making impossible
instead of improbable to return to Pep Boyz.
Actually my 2nd point is this: Who tells the cold start injector to spit
fuel ?? A test light hooked up to the plug shows no voltage at any time.
It was about 72F outside - is this too warm?? I presume that it is one of
the three senders on the water hose housing thingy is responsible. I found
out that the upper outer (away from block) sender is to the gauge. What are
the others for?? (one up and one down) Is there a way to test these??
Do these senders have a big effect on idle (false engine temp readings?) or
is it probably just the ISV? BTW, the red temp light on the dash blinks
before starting and sometimes stays on for 10 seconds or so unless I give
the gas a good blip. Is this normal?
>From lurking and moderate archive wading I have managed to investigate the
- plugs wires & cap are OK
- idle switch and WOT are OK (although WOT was 4.2 ohms resitance - getting
crappy? (not that it matters for idle))
Please feel free to spank me for asking questions that I should be able to
answer by looking in the Bently that I don't have yet. If anyone has a used
one I will buy it.
Scott McPherson
86 5kcs (gone)
86 4ks (sick)
94 MTD Quattro (4hp - 22" cut)
various quadraped dogs & cats
P.S. How is the alldata for fuel & electrical stuff?? Also does anyone
have a front L bumper reflector they would like to sell?