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Re: '87.5 CGT collectibility (was Re: how many out there?)

>Reason being that he thinks the 87.5 will become 
>collectable, as there were very few coupes brought over with that 
>engine(NG) and disk brakes.  Any thoughts?  How many were brought over, 
>and does anyone but us know what they are? 

I doubt that the '87.5 CGT will become collectible, especially if there
is some debate over whether the urquattro will become collectible or
not.  The primary special items that the '87.5 CGT has are:  (1) 130hp
NG engine, (2) rear disc brakes, (3) digital dash, (4) body colored
spoiler and side view mirrors.

You can retrofit the NG engine and rear brakes from an Audi 80/90 into
any earlier CGT with relative ease.  Then take that CGT and paint the
side view mirrors and rear spoiler, graft in a digital dash, and
you have a "Special Build" CGT that really isn't.  Hence, it isn't likely
these cars will become collectible.

'85 CGT, '82 urq  ('87.5 CGT - brother's)
Eric J. Fluhr                                Email:  ejfluhr@austin.ibm.com
630FP Logic/Circuit Design                   Phone:  (512) 838-7589
IBM Server Group                             Austin, TX