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RE: 200TQ speedo shakes, odo stops


The speedo of the '89 200tq (and newer) is fully electronic.  There is no
speedometer cable.

At 08:54 AM 9/29/98 -0700, you wrote:
>Bob said;
>> The problem is a bad connection between the speedo unit and the rest of
>> the
>> instrument cluster (IC).  Nearly two years of frustration were needed
>> before the solution was found.
>> The speed sensor reed switch of the transmission was replaced and this did
>> not help.  Surgery on the IC was required.  This most definitely a DIY job
>> provided that you are comfortable working with solder.
>Not that I think Bob is incorrect, but I had the exact problem, and it
>wasn't the instrument cluster (I wish it was.  I coulda' fixed the dash
>lights and the speedo at the same time).  In my case 1.8 bar aggravated the
>old motor mounts to the point of destruction, and the speedo cable would
>pull out of the tranny ever so slightly.  I fixed the motor mounts (fun!!),
>pushed in the cable for the last time (I hope), and all has been well.
>Good Luck,
>Gary Lewis 200km 86 5Kcst 5sp 1.8 Bar
>TransGlobal Financial  (818) 384-7600
>Mergers, Acquisitions, Public Offerings
*  Robert L. Myers  rmyers@inetone.net    Home 304-574-2372/1166      *
*  Rt. 4, Box 57,  Fayetteville, WV 25840 USA      WV tag Q SHIP      *
*  '95 S6  Cashmere Grey - der Wundercar                              *
*  '89 200tq chipped Pearl/grey suspension mods 127K miles - for sale *