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RE: A reality in Hollywood - No Audi Content

Igor Said;

> > A .357 magnum round can and has been demonstrated to pass completely
> > through an old Murican cast arn engine block, end to end after
> penetrating
> > body, seats, dash, etc, first.  I don't recommend hiding from bullets
> > behind a piece of sheet metal.

> What I saw with my own eyes was a guy shooting all kinds of firearms into
> the
> car through the door at the point-blank range (1.5-2m away) after which
> the door
> was opened and the inner door panel was removed and examined for the
> presence of
> exit holes. It turned out that they found only two holes: the 7.62mm
> (AK47) and
> that of a sniper rifle. The rest of the projectiles were fished out of the
> door
> bottom, all squashed and looking like daisies.
I too was involved on a military test, and experienced the following:

The only weapons that _reliably_ (over 75%) penetrated a car door was a .50
caliber sniper rifle and shotgun slugs (military combat shotgun issue.
Don't know how this compares to hunting variety).  The test was conducted
about 25 feet from the car.  This test included many military (Mostly Navy)
small fire weapons, except for explosives (LAWs rocket as an example)  All
the other weapons tested went through, but not with any reliability
(including a M16, H&K MP5, .45, 9mm.  M60 was _not_ tested).  The M16 got
through more than any other 'unreliable' (tongue in cheek) weapon.  I find
it hard to believe that a .357 could go through a iron engine block.  

> Off course there's always a small chance that the projectile will meet
> just the
> outer sheet metal door skin alone - this would explain the sad example
> with
> Bob's neighbour, killed by a 9mm.
All 'unreliable' shots that penetrated were for the above reasons.  The
shotgun slugs that didn't go through _always_ hit something other than the
outer sheet metal skin.  It just depended on what that strata was.  The .50
didn't care.  100% everytime, all the time.  But this was special military
sniper ammo.  I know _any_ gun will go through a car door, but with what

How does this relate to someone using their door as a shield?  Let your
conscience be your guide.  At a minimum, if your carjacker is sporting a
.50, give him the car...

> Igor Kessel
> P.S. In the light of the recent posts: 
> I can not be held liable if you get shot while hiding behind the car's
> door.
> Thankfully, I never had a chance to test this survival technique in the
> real
> life. All said hereabove is the good faith description of something that I
> saw
> on film or heard from other people. I do not personally endorse any of it.
Me too...  'cept I was there (and participated.  Got us off CQB on a hot day