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Re:Audi's FS in Central PA
>Just a quick list of Audi's FS in the Harrisburg paper:
>p.s. If anyone considers this type of message as unnecessary spam, let me
>know and I will cease immediately!! :)
Au contraire, this at least to me is very welcome. Not so with the
testimonials on Audi lovers other passions- like guns for instance.
Amazing how these things blossom- starts with "didya see the Audi
in the movie..." and turns into a "well, when I was in the war..."
testimonial that gushes for several pages.
We all need to try and bite our tongue and keep this forum focused
on its intended subject- owning, driving, fixing, and loving our
favorite brand of automobile.
Signing off to follow my own advice,
Matt Rooke
Matt Rooke