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RE: Bimmer boy crashes the guestbook at Audi-S-Cars

The Cimmaron was not Cadillac's proudest product, but it did get a V6
near the end of it's life.  For better or worse it did have a bit more
equipment than just crappy gold/chrome trim.  It got pretty much the
whole Caddy treatment, with the full plush interior, and all the power
doo-dads.  Still a Cavalier at heart, but what a fine Cavalier it was.

I wouldn't bash Caddy too much, though.  Their build quality is on the
rise.  Surprised we haven't heard from Graydon on this thread yet...

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Peter_Szalay@amat.com [SMTP:Peter_Szalay@amat.com]
> Sent:	Friday, October 02, 1998 8:56 AM
> To:	quattro@coimbra.ans.net
> Cc:	abk@phy.duke.edu
> Subject:	Re: Bimmer boy crashes the guestbook at Audi-S-Cars
> I think the Cimeron was one of those cadillacs that even GM was
> embarrased
> of, they stopped making it after, I think, only one or two years. I
> believe
> its that small cadi that is based on the chevy cavalier, just some
> crappy
> gold and chrome trim added. These cars are nothing but little
> shitboxes on
> wheels. The only way this thing would beat an Audi was if the Audi was
> parked.
> PS. Does cadillac have any respectable build quality YET?
> Peter
> Date: Thu, 01 Oct 1998 11:10:44 -0400
> From: Andrei Kogan <abk@phy.duke.edu>
> Subject: Re: Bimmer boy crashes the guestbook at Audi-S-Cars
> There is a more *interesting* message on the same page. A few entries
> up:
> Referred by: Just Surfed On In
>  From: detroit
>  Time: 1998-10-01 13:40:58
>  Comments: You guys may thinks Audis are cool, but my Cadillac
> Cimmeron
> will kill any A4, S4, S6 or any other piece of shit Audi makes.
>  Everyone knows that the Cimmeron was the best sports sedan of the
> 80's and
> most likely of all time. Audi still cannot match the
>  performance and build quality of the Caddy 14 years later! I laugh
> every
> time that I smoke one of your crappy Audis, and a few BMW M
>  cars! Christian J. Long '85 Cadillac Cimmeron
> Has anyone even heard of this car?
> Andrei