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RE: which audis use Pentosin?

Good grief ... do we have to keep picking nits?!

My 1983 QTC IS a type 85 and it DOES use Dexron ATF for hydraulic fluid.
Bentley, the Owner's manual and the cap on the reservoir state that it is
the correct fluid to be used.

To anyone with a car that was manufactured in the early '80s ... at least
those shipped to the colonies, you should be advised to read the label on
the reservoir if you can.  If not, check the Owner's manual if available.
As a last resort, make your decision based on the approximate color of the
fluid that is in there ... if it looks red it is Dexron and if it looks
green it is the Audi equivalent of Pentosin.  Yes, it is possible that if
you use this last method of determination that there is some chance that you
will put in the improper fluid, but it is probably already too late ...

HTH someone
Steve Buchholz
San Jose, CA (USA)

> ----------
> In message <199810020016.RAA78070@theta2.ben2.ucla.edu> Michael Williams
> writes:
> > >When the later Type 44 and Type 85
> > Careful with this, my type 85 4kq dont use pentosin.....
> Does the 4kq count as a Type 85?  I thought all 4000s were Type 81.