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Re: bentley

Chris -

The Bentley IS the factory manual, or at least the closest thing to it
in the US. Bentley is simply the publisher. You should find the '84 -
'88 5000 manual, including S, CS, turbo, quattro, and wagon models. Two
volumes. Shouldn't be tough to find at Amazon or at an Audi dealer
(including Carlsen at a good discount, I expect).

- Wallace
  '87 5kcstq 150k

Chris Dyer wrote:
> I've searched far n' wide, but can't find it on the web!  I need to buy
> a Bentley manual for my '87 5kcstq, it's nowhere.  Amazon has years
> AROUND mine, or my year but wrong models...
> Anyone have a GOOD contact for this book?!
> Any opinions on the factory manual? (or is it too advanced for this
> ignorant author/repairman wannabe?)  Amazon DOES have this book.
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 Wallace White                             wallace@remdesign.com
 REM Design                                     tel 415.621.3922
 290 Division St., Suite 401                    fax 415.621.4024
 San Francisco, CA  94103                      www.remdesign.com