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Pompous Asses - probably overpriced, too.

>Has anyone in the area made any experiences with
>Wagner Audi in Boylston, Mass.?
>(particularly the service dept.)
>BTW, statement from their page at http://www.wagnermotors.com
>"We sell and service Mercedes Benz, BMW and Audi. 
>      We consider these vehicles to be the highest quality, lowest
>       maintenance auto coaches manuafatured in the world."

The subject line says it all. Avoid like the plague "shoppes" and all
similar "cutesy" spellings of businesses - sorry dudes, I don't drive an
"auto coach" - I have a CAR, and your calling it an "auto coach" is an
insufficient reason for me to pay you double the normal usurious labor
rates to screw it up like every other dealer.

Anyone who falls for this kind of b.s. deserves exactly what they get. And
it is not limited to the car world, either.

These are the people who refer to "horizontal surfaces maintenance
engineers" instead of floor sweepers.

<rant mode OFF>

Seriously, I have no experience with this dealer - but my b.s. detector
went right off the scale when I read that.

Best Regards,

Mike (normally not so excitable) Arman