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A compliment?

Was in the local NAPA parts store, getting some braided vacuum
hose($1-2/foot[take that, VW!] instead of $37/meter.)

A gentleman walks in, son in tow, and starts discussing a caliper he had
just bought with one of the guys at the desk.  It's clear he was given the
wrong one.  "It's for an 89 Audi 200."

This caught my attention, naturally, so I struck up a conversation.  "You
have an 89 200?  I have the '91 in the back there."

"Really?  That's a 200?  I thought it was an A8, with the flared fenders
and all."(like you'd find an A8 in this particularly sketchy section of

At the time, I guess I took it as a compliment...perhaps I can find a
dealer who will take my "A8" as a trade in.  "Oh, yhea, I never liked the
'96 model.  I'm trading in for a '99 model" :)

(Upon further reflection, I realize he might have meant _V-8_, hence the
reference to the flared fenders, but we can still poke our fun.)

'91 "A-8"

Brett Dikeman
Hostes alienigeni me abduxerunt.  Qui annus est?
Te audire non possum.  Musa sapientum fixa est in aure.
Ita, scio hunc 'sig file' veterem fieri.