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A T34 suggestion, RE: offensive vanity license tags

Why won't you get T34 instead?...........was a much better tank (although
did not get as much press as the Panzer) and did not break down nearly as
often as the Panzer (in specific the late Panzer)..........
The T34 is still in use some places............
Audi content: did Horch supply parts to the panzer?

-----Original Message-----
From:	owner-quattro@coimbra.ans.net [mailto:owner-quattro@coimbra.ans.net]
On Behalf Of G. Benedikt Rochow
Sent:	Tuesday, October 13, 1998 8:55 AM
To:	quattro@coimbra.ans.net
Subject:	offensive vanity license tags

> I'm planning on getting PANZER for my Suburban.  It may offend a few, but

'Tank' is certainly an appropriate label for a Suburban.
Just why would a German word as such be offensive?

I've got a frame that says 'German American', as well as (shock horror)
'Deutsche Gemuetlichkeit' (IIRC - haven't moved it to the Audi yet, and
the latter part is partially hidden by teh trunk lid of the Caprice
it's on).
Is that offensive, too?
