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5KCSTQ: Audio and Trim
Coupla Q's
About the stock cassette deck again:
I received a bunch of responses from folks telling me to either i. go with
a replacement Blaupunkt -- or 2. by a used unit.
My question is -- can I just go to Tweeter and get 'the works' -- CD
changer, etc., etc. -- or are they going to F-up the whole system? I've
heard horror stories about replacement after-market units that screw up the
electrical system - and I
'd rather spend the dough on a Blaupunkt and live with it vs. having short
out when I try to put the window down!
Case-in-point: I have an Alpine deck in my 4KSQ, and the circuit the deck
was on was drawing so much power - it killed 2 batteries before we figured
out what the hell it was.. Now I have no radio, interior lights, lighter,
or trip computer in that car.
Also, does anyone own one of those Blaupunkts CD changer/cassette decks you
can get from BLAU for $500? Is it worth it ?
The other Q is re: the black trim on the bottom of the door. I had the
thing replaced and it cost a lot. Now, a month later, the thing keeps
coming unglued on one side - and it's pissing me off to no end. What
should I used (besides Superglue) to make the thing stick on there for good
-- without destroying the paint?
Richard H
87 5KCS TQ
85 4KS Q
82 VW Cabriolet