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Re: carz for sale?

	oops!  i left out some important info - local for me 
	is the san francisco bay area.  

	also, there are a couple of 5k's, non-q, that are $600 
	or $800 or something.  cheep enough to be good parts

On Fri, 16 Oct 1998, Steve Bigelow wrote:

:|Commonly overlooked, saw it several times yesterday, folks posting a car
:|for sale with no location.
:|What's "local"?

 yamaha rz350 - suzuki ts250 -  chaotic good
 this message was composed using the vi editor.
 newt gingrich lied under oath to the ethics committee and was fined $300k
 later he admitted to misuse of funds for his re-election - he broke the law