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RE: Weight of A/C in UrQ?

The carcomp tool will work with the rs2.

-----Original Message-----
From:	Pantelis Giamarellos [SMTP:pantg@otenet.gr]
Sent:	Saturday, January 05, 1980 10:09 AM
To:	Eaton Dave; quk@isham-research.demon.co.uk
Cc:	quattro@coimbra.ans.net
Subject:	Re: Weight of A/C in UrQ?

Phil and Dave and other AUDI nutters,
I am trying desperately to locate any service documentation for the RS2.
Tried AUDI AG, their reply is they sell service docs to authorized garages
As soon as I get anything in my hands I will inform you accordingly.
Dave, you said something about microfiches?
Do you have the fault codes available?
I have ordered the VWTool from CarComp. It is supposed to have the fault
codes in the software.
Comments when I receive it. Looks good though.
Pantelis   pantg@otenet.gr